You are invited to our wedding!

Jessika & Michael

Jessika & Michael

We are happy to share this day with you and Wedding HTML Template!

The Wedding of Michael & Jassika

The Wedding AMP Template is simple for customization and usage. This Wedding HTML Template using modern AMP technology. It is designed to satisfy the latest website requirements. It helps you to effectively manage the website speed in small screen mobile devices.

April 22, 2018
Deam Party Cafe
21 Street, New York, USA
+01 00 000 000

Wedding Сeremony

21 September — 11.00 AM
Central Park, New York

Wedding Dinner

21 September — 17.00 AM
Central Park, New York

Wedding Party

21 September — 2.00 AM
Central Park, New York

Our Love Story !

60 Second Showreel

We appreciate your presence!

Wedding AMP Template is perfect for the modern web, with capable social media sharing features built right into the theme so your content can quickly spread and viral through all the major players in social media with utter ease. This Wedding HTML Template is a professional looking tool for setting up your online presence. The Wedding AMP Template follows modern design layout. It is a multi-page AMP tool with all the necessary pages you need for building a professional website. Being flexible and responsive, Wedding HTML Template includes dozens of features and styles you can deploy with a single click within a minute. It has a great assortment of design elements and HTML features. The design layout of the Wedding AMP Template is designed intuitively.


Share this day with Wedding
AMP Template!

It is an aesthetically clean and minimalist, highly professional and graphically refined and polished, very well structured and intuitively navigable, user and developer friendly, lightweight and extremely modern, search engine optimized and notoriously bold and communicative, visually stimulating responsive multi-concept Wedding AMP Template.

Copyright (c) 2019 Wedding Theme by